Certificate Icon Certified by the American Board of Health Physics | Registered to Practice in California & Several Other States
Minority and woman-owned small business providing services in shielding design and radiation safety aspects of medical, industrial and research facilities

Nisy Elizabeth Ipe, Ph.D., C.H.P.

Phone Icon (650) 631-1916

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-9 p.m.

Radiation Physicist & Shielding Consultant

Radiation Shielding Design, Dosimetry & Radiation Protection

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Shielding Design

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Mission Statement

Protecting the public and promoting safe use of ionizing radiation in medicine, industry and research

Dr. Ipe - Accomplished in Radiation
Protection & Shielding Design

Accomplished Dr.

With over 30 years of experience in radiation protection and shielding design for medical, industrial and research facilities, I can take care of all your radiation shielding needs. I am willing to work with you so that together we can find practical and effective radiation safety solutions. My technical expertise, proactive attitude and work ethic enables the construction of technically complicated projects per schedule and per plan without any issues. My reports are thorough, detailed, professional, and expeditiously completed. I will work with you to get your facility approved by the relevant radiation regulatory agency. I deliver within the agreed timescales and actively seek clarification where the input data is incomplete. You can rely upon me for sound judgment, thoroughness, planning, and when needed a toughness to do what is right.

A Radiation Physicist Involved in All Project Phases:

  • Schematic Design
  • Construction Documentation
  • Radiation Surveys
  • Design Development
  • Construction Inspection

radiation shielding needs
(650) 631-1916


Thank you for your interest. For questions or comments, please use the information below. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

(650) 631-1916

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-9 p.m.

Service Area
Based in San Carlos, CA, I serve Nationwide & Internationally

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